Inside+Out Upstate NY Wins Two Website Awards – We’re Doing the Happy Dance!
The team at Inside+Out Upstate NY is joyfully doing the happy dance with the news that we’ve won two website awards from the Horizon Interactive Awards competition. That represents FIVE! website awards in less than a year!
The Horizon competition recognizes, promotes and awards the best websites, website design, interactive experiences, and online advertising produced in a given year. They receive thousands of entries from all over the world and a volunteer panel of industry professionals, from diverse multi-media, graphic design, advertising and marketing backgrounds, review the entries to determine the work that is to be recognized.
Inside+Out Upstate NY was recognized in two categories, winning a Gold Award for Best Travel and Tourism website, and a Bronze Award for our Consumer Information for our Website Directory.
To be recognized in the categories that support our mission (to uncover the hidden gems in our own backyards and to make it easy to find and connect with the immense talent living and working in the Hudson Valley) is truly an honor. Everything we do is focused on connections and community; we’re constantly seeking out amazing Hudson Valley businesses, products, and most of all people – and sharing them with our audience. Our directory has become a go-to resource for local businesses, professional services, modern makers, artisans, and creators. Thank you for joining us on this journey!
Kudos to our Team!
We could not have done this with our team of design and marketing pros. Sending heartfelt thanks to:
William van Roden, Branding designer extraordinaire. Thank you for all you do,
Elliot Tauman (A Subtle Web) and our back-end development team for days and nights of coding expertise,
Jason O’Malley for our town illustrations and maps,
Alicia and Lucia for their marketing magic,
Doreen Johnson, Urana Kinlen, Maria-Elena Conte – thank you for all your database and content development work!
And of course, much thanks to our writers, photographers and content contributors.
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About Horizon Interactive
The Horizon Interactive Awards is a prestigious international competition recognizing outstanding achievements among interactive media producers from all over the world. The 2021 Competition was the 20th year that the competition has been held and it has a rich history of recognizing the “best of the best” websites, videos, mobile applications, advertising and more. including 26 out of 50 US States and 21 other countries including Australia, Belgium Canada, Columbia, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Japan, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and the UK.
Entries were judged by an international, volunteer panel of industry professionals with diverse backgrounds and various roles within the interactive media and advertising industries. Judges looked for the best blend between creativity, content and functionality. Each entry was judged on the following:
- Solution creativity and originality
- Overall graphic design/appearance / user experience
- Communication of message
- Technical merit
- Effectiveness of solution
Deborah Meyer DeWan
Awesome! Congratulations!!
inside + out
Thank you, Deborah!